Change of Business Ownership Disclaimer

Step 1 of 4


We will require CURRENT and NEW business owners to sign a change of business ownership disclaimer prior to any changes to Sherlock Software trust systems being amended. By completing this document, we will implement specific changes required as per authorised instruction. The cost of data conversion and setting up new SherlockPRO databases will be invoiced and payable prior to any changeover date. It is the responsibility of the current business owner to advise us of any changes if in the event the business exchange does not progress.

Selling or Buying Business or Purchasing a Rent Roll

Please select the option that suits your situation(Required)
If option C is selected above.

Other Sherlock Software & Web products being Transferred

Please tick all items that are being transferred
If you selected Website above, please add the website URL here.
If you selected Domain Name(s) above, please add the Domain Names here.

Sherlock Software will only provide information based on your authorisation, please tick the appropriate items below that reflect your written instructions

Data Permissions(Required)
Modules required to be transferred